Enough is Enough

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

There is a great day of judgment coming soon, not only for individuals, but for entire nations. Four thousand years ago God erased nearly every air breathing creature, including mankind, with a world-wide flood that extended above the highest mountains. Only eight people and collection of male and female creatures were spared by spending more than 100 days in the huge ship known as the Ark.

The coming final Day of God’s Wrath will not be a quick end of suffering beneath a flood, but will last for years bringing a horrifying chain of catastrophes never known before. Why would a merciful God unleash such catastrophic sufferings on those made in His image? Chaplain Byrum explains and also gives the incredible good news that there is a way of escaping before it is too late.

Will you be one of those left behind when faithful are taken to safety, or are you ready to accept His free gift of salvation and protection? Don’t dismiss the warnings and the promises of this message. Time is running out for an America that has turned its back on God. It may already be too late for the nation to repent and return to the creator, but it is not too late for you. Don’t miss this chance!!

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