023 – What Has Happened With Us

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Chaplain R.T. Byrum

Today’s message asks, “What Has Happened With Us?” Are we so far removed by state-run education and politics from our roots of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness endowed by God, that we have become puppets of the Socialist Left?

Are we marching toward the same disastrous fate that brought down countries ruled over by greedy tyrants?

Will a change in ruling parties be enough to stop our slide into communism?

America has been teetering on the brink of destruction and the only hope for shoring up the foundation is through the Christian, Conservative and Constitutional backbone of free citizens.

Happiness wins out over hopelessness in the end, but the time for individuals to join the winning side is growing short.

Click on the play button and see which team you would rather be a part of. The goal is Happiness, the alternative is hopelessness.

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